LTE Basics - Document

A white Paper on Long Term Evolution Protocol Overview

Contents of This white paper

  • LTE Architecture

  • Life of an LTE Packet - Uplink - Downlink

  • Diffrent LTE Layers and their operation

What is the Difference between 4G and 4G LTE

Current LTE and WiMAX implementations are often cited in the marketplace as 4G, although they don't fully comply with the planned requirements of 1 Gbps for stationary reception and 100 Mbps for mobile. The common argument for branding LTE and WiMAX systems as 4G is that they use different frequency bands to 3G technologies; that they are based on a new radio-interface paradigm; and that the standards are not backwards compatible with 3G, while some of the standards are expected to be forwards compatible with "real" 4G technologies.  

What is 3G and 4G

Often there is a Misunderstanding between different generations of technologies and their technical names , Here is the List of the Generations of technology .

2G = GSM
2.5G = GPRS
2.75G = EDGE

4G LTE Basics

4G (LTE) Basics
•LTE stands for Long Term Evolution
Next Generation mobile broadband technology
Promises data transfer rates of 100 Mbps


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